
Book #4 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets By J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
By J. K. Rowling
Illustrated by Mary GrandPre
Edition: illustrated
Published by Scholastic, 2002
ISBN 0439203538, 9780439203531
352 pages

Four books in and I've noticed everyone asks two questions:
1) "Why?"
2) "Are you reading such and such by such and who"

Number two usually happens to be their all-time desert-island top-five book.

It's that question that trips me up, usually. I only have thirty plus books on my list, so there is a hell of a good chance I'm not reading your favorite, or even something you like. People hear thirty and think it's a lot, and it is, but it's not really that many. I've added a number of these suggestions to my list (it's over fifty now) as I'm worried that a number of the original thirty aren't gonna be available from the library within the 90 days. I'll apologize now if I don't get to the book you personally suggested in this challenge, but even if I don't fit it in, I'll probably still read it.

I'm starting to dig the Harry Potter series. However, I FUCKING HATE SPIDERS. Nobody told me book 2 has giant talking man-eating spiders. So for most of the last hundred or so pages my skin kept crawling. The dead getting back up and eating people freaks me out so much less then man-eating spiders.

So, yeah. There really isn't much else to say about Chamber of Secrets, the books are getting much better I'm looking forward to the next one. The End.

Three point five out of four stars.

1 comment:

  1. Don't fret: this is the last of the spiders in the series. (I like spiders, until they get to a certain size. Tarantulas are actually below that size; a friend of mine has a couple of them, and I think they're cute. One is almost the spider version of Gir. Excitable little thing.)

    There's a real reason for the spiders here: Rowling's referencing Tolkien's Shelob. Shelob's in LotR Book Two; her spider's in Potter Book Two. It sort of rhymes like that.

    Generally speaking, "Chamber of Secrets" is the least substantial Harry Potter book. They get more flair and drama from then on. I like this series, too.

    Keep having fun!
