
Book #22 Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler

Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
By Chelsea Handler
Published by Harpercollins, 2007
ISBN 0061173398, 9780061173394
224 pages

She calls her Dad Bitch Tits. Either this book missed the mark, or maybe I missed the fucking mark. Chelsea Handler can be really funny, but I'm just not sure what happened here. She was either trying too hard or not hard enough. Don't get me wrong, parts are really funny - But the book has no flow, it feels patched together with paperclips and rubber bands.

I really wanted to like this book. I gave it more than a college try, I feel like I stuck it out through couples counseling with this book. In the end it just wasn't worth it. I feel like I'm that uncool kid on the outside of the joke. Thats it! This book leaves me with the same feeling I got when the popular girls would point and laugh in my general direction. That feeling that even though it's something about you, you're not even cool enough to realize that there is something to laugh about.

One Star out of Four.

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